February 2019
Royal Banking Commission
06/02/2019 03:43 Filed in: Politics
It could be easy to forget the governments, the LNP's stance, conduct and past waffle in respect of the Banking Royal commission, by that we mean the ex-treasurer, now Prime minister (and yet another Prime minister who was not elected by the people) Scott Morrison, Mathias Cormann, the now retiring (or is that ESCAPING) Kelly O'Dwyer and not forgetting the ex-banker and ex-prime minister Malcolm Turnbull, were dragged kicking and squirming to the now concluded royal commission into banking. They didn't want it, and Sco Mo is on record as having voted 26 times against it.
Scott also, as treasurer seemed to have a view that a royal banking commission could hurt the economy and this appears to have been his reasoning to allow the banks to get away with what we now know in many cases was criminal behaviour, so let's just absorb that for a minute - Better to let criminal activity occur than to potentially affect the economy - wow, and that is the man who is the current Prime Minister
It could be easy to forget that the big banks were and are very heavy donors to the LNP, specifically the Liberal party, It could be easy to forget the utter misleading nonsense that came out these peoples mouths prior to the royal commission and the revelations that have now come from it.
Let's not forget.
Here are some clips to remind us all of the mindset of this bunch of rogues who, apart from Kelly "I want to have another baby" O'Dwyer, want you to re-elect them. Think very carefully before you do because they talk a lot of, well you know.
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